
Noon – 1:30 p.m., March 17, 2023

Martha Farah, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
University of Pennsylvania



Martha Farah


Neuroscience of socioeconomic status: Is it relevant to policy?

Abstract: SES neuroscience, using imaging and other methods, has revealed generalizations of interest for population neuroscience and the study of individual differences.  But beyond its scientific interest, SES is a topic of societal importance. Does neuroscience offer any useful insights for promoting socioeconomic justice and reducing the harms of poverty?  In this talk I will use research from my own lab and others’ to argue that SES neuroscience currently provides converging support for already established principles, which may have extra rhetorical force for some policy-making audiences. However, SES Neuroscience is a young field, and there is potential for future substantive new contributions to SES-related policy. I will attempt to forecast some ways in which practical new solutions to the problems of poverty may emerge from neuroscience.

Zoom: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84612441039


Lynn Nadel